*This level of detail is going to overwhelm some, and delight others. Feel free to ignore if this feels like a headache, but I wanted it here for you if it does help to understand the map we’re using.
EFT Therapy Tasks
STAGE ONE (90% of the therapy will be spent here)
What specifically is triggering me about this situation?
What is my interpretation of this encounter? Can I begin to see that my interpretation may not be totally accurate but exists for understandable reasons?
What core feelings beneath annoyed or numb exist here?
What is my protective strategy or attempted solution that automatically happens here? Can I have compassion for this, and also understand that it may be contributing to our cycle?
Share deeply from your core, internal fears and view of yourself (versus blaming partner)
Listen to your partner with deep compassion, allowing for them to have their own, whole experience
Ask for reassurance from the deep fears
Give strong reassurance to your partner